Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monitoring My Game Plan

As I review my GAME plan that I have been developing over the past few weeks, I feel that the process and the research involved is going well. The first goal that I have been working on is engaging students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. Authors Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer (2009) express that authentic instruction requires students to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and perform skills within a context by replicating real-world performances. One way that I have been working on this goal is by searching Edutopia. Edutopia is an educational site that provides educators with many different teaching ideas that focus on various authentic and real-world issues. I signed up to receive weekly e-mail alerts from them as well. Doing so, I am able to get updates and new ideas each week. I have also been looking at our common core standards for 3rd grade and have been finding ways that I can incorporate authentic and real-world learning experiences with our new standards.

As for my second standard collaborating with students peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation it is also going well. I have taken advice from what my colleagues from both my Walden community and school and have looked further into the different types of blogs to use to communicate. After researching, I plan using Blogger to communicate with parents, students, and my Walden community. I found that it was the easiest to use and there were a lot of options for add-ons as well.

Overall, I feel that my action plan is coming along well. At this time I do not feel that I need to change and or make any adjustments to my plan. I have learned that there are many options for my students when it comes to implementing technology into the classroom. There are tons of websites, blogs, journals, etc. that I have utilized to find resources to help me accomplish my goals. Basically, I have learned there is no excuse to not implement these standards into the curriculum. With everything that is out there, it just takes a little time and planning to accomplish this.

A question that I continue to ask myself throughout this process is when do I know I have accomplished my goal? To me, I feel like these are ongoing goals to have in the classroom. Should there be a point where we just say that is it, I met my goal and I am done? As teachers I feel that we are never done meeting goals because we are constantly working and striving to do better than before. Also, education and technology are constantly changing, so to stay current with the times I do not think there is a stopping point. So I guess I answered my own question. What are your thoughts on this?


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Carrying out the GAME Plan

Last week I posted my personal GAME plan to enhance my technology knowledge. The goals I chose to focus on were:
1.)    engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resource
2.)    collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.

One of the actions that I have taken to start this process is to search various blogs and teachers web pages to instill some ideas and creative juices in myself. I have become a follower to many blogs written by other teachers that focus on my grade level as well as grade levels above and below 3rd grade. I can always take an idea and adapt it to my own grade level. In addition to following other educator blogs, I have also been following my colleague’s blogs from Walden. Becoming a follower of these blogs has allowed me to stay up to date on the information that is posted each time. I have been able to gain so many ideas and viewpoints from a variety of people in the teaching profession. In addition to subscribing to blogs, I have been using Pinterest to search for ideas. This amazing virtual pin board allows to me save the ideas that I have found so I have them for later. Moving to a new grade level this year, I have used Pinterest a lot to pin ideas on the new curriculum I am teaching. If you haven’t checked it out, I HIGHLY suggest it! But be forewarned, it is addicting! Here are some of my favorite blogs that I am following right now. Check them out!

Furthermore, there are still things that I need to do to accomplish my goals. One of the things that is at the top of my list is creating a blog for my students, parents, colleagues, and I. Creating a blog will allow me to collaborate with a wide range of people. Students will be able to use the blog to update what is happening in class as well. I will be able to post announcements, assignments, and projects they have created. I feel that creating a blog will really bring out the collaboration piece that I am trying to reach.  Right now we have a Facebook page, but I do not feel that it is individualized enough for my students. With the blog I feel that they will be able to take more ownership of their learning. They will be allowed to contribute to the blog as well. I plan on using Blogger since I am used to the format and it is easy for the students and I both to post to. Does anyone else use a blog for their classroom? What other important factors should I think about before I get started?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) are standards for students, teachers, and administrators to lead the digital age. Reviewing the 5 technology standards for teachers was a great refresher as to what we should be focusing on when incorporating technology into lesson plans. With that being said, I chose two indicators as a priority for my classroom and students. The first indicator is 1.b (engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources). As a third grade teacher this year, I am trying to use technology in the classroom so it has meaning. I feel that focusing on this indictor will allow me to provide students with authentic learning experiences.

The second indicator I would like to enhance is indicator 3.b (collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation).  In this standard I would like to focus on the collaboration of students. I think it is so important to allow students to collaborate with one another. It is a great way to enhance their learning.

Developing a GAME plan is an important part of technology integration. Authors Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer explain that GAME is an acronym which stands for: goal, action, monitor, and evaluate (2010).

Here is my personal GAME plan:

Set Goal: My first goal is to create lessons that are meaningful for third grade students that integrate real-world issues.  Setting this as a goal, it will give me the opportunity to create more authentic learning experiences for my students. My second goal is to collaborate with students to enrich learning through various technology tools.

Take Action: In order to make these goals come to life, I will have research what other teachers are doing. I plan to do this by searching blogs, websites, and journals. Doing so will give me a good idea on how I can achieve my goals.

Monitor Your Learning: It will definitely be important for me during this time to track my personal learning and progress. Doing so will allow me to make improvements for the future.

Evaluate and Extend Your Learning: At the culmination of each project, I will have to take the time to reflect upon changes that I can make to make the learning experience even better for the future. Reflecting and finding alternatives will give me a chance to continue to improve. The continuous reflection will help me to see if I have met my goals, and what I have to continue to do to meet them.
Now that I have a plan in place, it is time to get in the GAME!

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage           Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards      for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from