Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monitoring My Game Plan

As I review my GAME plan that I have been developing over the past few weeks, I feel that the process and the research involved is going well. The first goal that I have been working on is engaging students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. Authors Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer (2009) express that authentic instruction requires students to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and perform skills within a context by replicating real-world performances. One way that I have been working on this goal is by searching Edutopia. Edutopia is an educational site that provides educators with many different teaching ideas that focus on various authentic and real-world issues. I signed up to receive weekly e-mail alerts from them as well. Doing so, I am able to get updates and new ideas each week. I have also been looking at our common core standards for 3rd grade and have been finding ways that I can incorporate authentic and real-world learning experiences with our new standards.

As for my second standard collaborating with students peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation it is also going well. I have taken advice from what my colleagues from both my Walden community and school and have looked further into the different types of blogs to use to communicate. After researching, I plan using Blogger to communicate with parents, students, and my Walden community. I found that it was the easiest to use and there were a lot of options for add-ons as well.

Overall, I feel that my action plan is coming along well. At this time I do not feel that I need to change and or make any adjustments to my plan. I have learned that there are many options for my students when it comes to implementing technology into the classroom. There are tons of websites, blogs, journals, etc. that I have utilized to find resources to help me accomplish my goals. Basically, I have learned there is no excuse to not implement these standards into the curriculum. With everything that is out there, it just takes a little time and planning to accomplish this.

A question that I continue to ask myself throughout this process is when do I know I have accomplished my goal? To me, I feel like these are ongoing goals to have in the classroom. Should there be a point where we just say that is it, I met my goal and I am done? As teachers I feel that we are never done meeting goals because we are constantly working and striving to do better than before. Also, education and technology are constantly changing, so to stay current with the times I do not think there is a stopping point. So I guess I answered my own question. What are your thoughts on this?


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


Janet Bissett said...


I think we are life-long learners, or we would not be getting our Masters in Integrating Technology in the Classroom. There are so many uses for technology, and it is challenging to try to absorb, explore, and utilize as much as we can through this class.

Edutopia is a great educational site. It does provide educators with different teaching ideas, and real-world issues. It is an amazing resource.

It sounds like you are making good progress on your GAME plan. I figure as long as we are moving forward, we are going in the right direction.

Janet Bissett

Megan Craft said...

I think that we can accomplish goals but we will always be wanting to set new ones. It's like baby steps. We should pat ourselves on the back for the goals we accomplish but realize that teaching would become boring if we were satisfied with reaching that one goal. I agree that it is ongoing because I feel like I constantly take a step forward and feel like I still have so far to go.
Why did you choose blogger? I haven't looked at that one. How are you planning on using it? Will you write the blog and have students and parents respond or will students help write the blog?

I haven't tried Edutopia but it sounds like an interesting site. I will try it out.

I too am working on starting a blog with my students. My goal keeps changing as I take steps. This week I set up a blog using kidsblog and the way it was laid out caused me to change my ideas. I am now trying to decide if I want to have one blog we all contribute to our one blog that I write, with a list of individual blogs the kids can work on independently. I am not sure which way to go. I want my students to be writing about things that go on in the classroom and have it be a sort of newsletter that parents can respond too. Then parents can read about and see what is going on in the classroom. I will check out Blogger and see what benefits it has. Thanks for your post.

Prudy Jo's Technology SpEd Blog said...

I cannot praise you enough for using real life skills. I think of everything we do each day that is real life. I know my students often ask, "why do we need this?" I reply, "What a great question! This is how...." and I usually add, "now how do you guys think we will use this in real life?"

I really like the common core. Do you? I live in Montana and for once our state is ahead of the game!! We are alinged and going great. I like the focus on the out comes rather than the process.
I like how you talk about the C.C. I think we cannot forget this is how our country is going. We are going to have to use it, we misewell embrase it!
You really have your plan figured out. You seem to be doing great. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Melissa said...

Thank you for your responses ladies! I am glad that we all agree that we will continually work on our goals. It is not something that will be accomplished once and then not thought about anymore.

Megan-I chose Blogger because it was easy to work with and I am able to make changes to the appearance easily. I will start my blog out as a way for parents and students to be connected to what is happening in the classroom. Eventually, I will have students be involved in the blogging process with me. I am still thinking of ways to get the students involved in this process.

Pru- I am getting used to the common core. I am not thrilled with it yet because it is so brand new. I think once Ohio gets more examples of what is being expected for the grade levels it will be easier. I need some type of guide to see how it will all work out. I do like the concept of it though. It does make more sense than just the state standards that we were following before. I am hoping by next year we will have a better understanding on how to implement the standards better.

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