Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Carrying out the GAME Plan

Last week I posted my personal GAME plan to enhance my technology knowledge. The goals I chose to focus on were:
1.)    engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resource
2.)    collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.

One of the actions that I have taken to start this process is to search various blogs and teachers web pages to instill some ideas and creative juices in myself. I have become a follower to many blogs written by other teachers that focus on my grade level as well as grade levels above and below 3rd grade. I can always take an idea and adapt it to my own grade level. In addition to following other educator blogs, I have also been following my colleague’s blogs from Walden. Becoming a follower of these blogs has allowed me to stay up to date on the information that is posted each time. I have been able to gain so many ideas and viewpoints from a variety of people in the teaching profession. In addition to subscribing to blogs, I have been using Pinterest to search for ideas. This amazing virtual pin board allows to me save the ideas that I have found so I have them for later. Moving to a new grade level this year, I have used Pinterest a lot to pin ideas on the new curriculum I am teaching. If you haven’t checked it out, I HIGHLY suggest it! But be forewarned, it is addicting! Here are some of my favorite blogs that I am following right now. Check them out!

Furthermore, there are still things that I need to do to accomplish my goals. One of the things that is at the top of my list is creating a blog for my students, parents, colleagues, and I. Creating a blog will allow me to collaborate with a wide range of people. Students will be able to use the blog to update what is happening in class as well. I will be able to post announcements, assignments, and projects they have created. I feel that creating a blog will really bring out the collaboration piece that I am trying to reach.  Right now we have a Facebook page, but I do not feel that it is individualized enough for my students. With the blog I feel that they will be able to take more ownership of their learning. They will be allowed to contribute to the blog as well. I plan on using Blogger since I am used to the format and it is easy for the students and I both to post to. Does anyone else use a blog for their classroom? What other important factors should I think about before I get started?


Christie said...


First of all I love the appearance of your blog! What is LeeLou Blogs? I see that your blog has a blogspot URL, but it says LeeLou Blogs at the top. I'm just curious!

Back to your post, what grade level did you used to teach? That is great that you were able to find other teacher blogs to follow! Pinterest is amazing, and I must admit that I am addicted. There are so many great ideas for teachers on there!

Yes, I used blogs with my students this year and last year. Last year, I felt most comfortable with Blogger, so I had my students come to school with a GMail address. Some parents let their child use their address, while other parents allowed students to create their own. However, I think in the terms of agreement, the students have to be 12 or 14. I teach fourth grade, so my students are only 9 and 10. It worked last year, but personally I wanted to find another blogging site.

This year, a Walden colleague suggested that I try kidblog.org and I love it! It does not require that students have an e-mail address. Their username is their first name and you can create the passwords. Before we did any blogging this year or last year, I sent a letter home to parents along with a contract that the students and parents had to sign. On kidblog, you can change the settings so you see every comment and post before it is published. It has been a great tool this school year and I highly recommend it!

Let me know if you have any questions! I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Christie Gauer

Prudy Jo's Technology SpEd Blog said...

I agree with ^^ Super cute blog. I noticed last time and had to check out LeeLou. The designs and such are great.
I love pintrest! I just wish I had time.
What I love best about how you are putting things into action is how you said you can adapt ideas. This is great! As teachers we need to step outside the box also.
All of our students have different learning and ability levels. We should be adapting each lesson! Even if the lesson is for 3rd grade, we have to make it work for each student.
The blogs you follow are great. They are high intrest! The blogs I follow are arts and crafts or legal stuff with SpEd. I need to find more fun real-life blogs. Not ones that are so serious.
Thank you for your share.
I also have to say I loveyour picture. It is great and you just have the I AM A FUN TEACHER look!

M Hart said...

I agree, I LOVE Pinterest!!!
I am currently loving Laura Candler's page and FifthGradeFlock. They post so many great resources that can easily be adapted to meet a variety of age or ability levels.

I have not used KidBlogs that were mentioned above, but I think those ladies have me convinced! I definitely will check it out.

One thing I want to mention is that Shutterfly has Share Sites and I just created one two weeks ago. I created one for our jump rope team (www.turtletownturners.shutterfly.com).
This is a website that allows our team members' parents to become members of the site.
It allows me to post pictures but it also allows any member to post pictures. (This is GREAT b/c as coaches we are often on the floor with the kids during routines and cannot take pictures)

It has a Calendar feature and it also has a roster feature so the parents can let us know electronically if their child is unable to attend a practice or performance. It also has a feature for snacks or other needs. You just say what you need and parents click on it if they are willing to donate.

This site sends weekly automatic emails to parents (great for newsletters) and it has a blogging section, but you can decide how often it sends. It is very customizable as well. I believe members can email each other through the site, and emails can be sent to all members with one button. When you make a change to the calendar it allows you to repeat (great for our Tues-Thurs practices each month Sept-June) so we don't have to type each one it. If you make changes, there is a way to email the members immediately if needed.

One of my favorite components: It is through Shutterfly so students can purchase prints if desired. Members could even make a memory book and share it with the group and anyone who is interested in one could purchase a memory book for the end of the year.

Like I said, I'm using the team/sports Share Site, but there are classroom ones as well. I'm definitely thinking about using this as my webpage next year....but then I have to retype the 145+ websites I've posted on my school website.

I'll definitely be checking back to your site, I'm working on real-life/authentic tasks as well. Hopefully we'll find some great resources to share. I've been trying to collect these since July but haven't really had any posts to my blog despite numerous emails I've sent people..guess I need to just find another way to add to my repertoire.

Mindy Hart

Melissa said...

Hi Ladies,

Thank you for the response to my post. LeeLou Blogs is a blog site that has some free blog backgrounds that you can use for Blogger. I know they also design blogs that can be purchased and more personalized. I would check it out because there were quite a few free backgrounds. I wanted to something that was visually appealing because this will be my blog for my parents and students when I am finished with my Walden classes.

Mindy- I love the idea you posted about Shutterfly. What a great way to utilize the site. I have made a share site for my family and friends but never thought to use it with the classroom as well.

Christie- I teach 3rd grade and I will have to check out kidblogs. I think that would be a good alternative to using Blogger and other sites that parents may not feel 100% comfortable with.

Pru-Thank you for the compliment! I try to be a fun teacher :) I love my job so I try to make the best out of each day. Right now I am still on leave from breaking my leg and ankle and found out on Thursday that I will be out until Christmas, so I miss my students and just being able to be at work.

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